

17. 07. 2015 News 1min

Euro Jet is ready to support you in Tbilisi, Georgia for the UEFA Super Cup between Barcelona and Sevilla. The all-Spanish team match will take place August 11, 2015 at the Paichadze Dinamo Arena.

After being played in only Monaco for 15 years, the match has recently been hosted by Wales and the Czech Republic. This year Georgia is pleased to join the list of host countries.

Euro Jet’s station in Tbilisi provides the same high level of service and supervising agent that is provided by Euro Jet in all its locations. We can arrange ground handling, urgent permits, competitive fuel, catering, discounted hotels, transportation, and credit. Euro Jet also has stations located in the Georgian cities of Batumi and Kutaisi.

We look forward to working with you soon in Georgia!

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