
Dispatch from the Road: “BACE” at Las Vegas, NV

25. 11. 2015 Blog 1min

I first attended the NBAA Annual Show in Las Vegas back in 2004. Thinking back, I remember being awestruck by the sheer size of the exhibition, the importance of the people attending, and the wide variety of companies and items exhibited.

These are all positive attributes and it appears 11 years later that despite a few tough years in the financial sector and a US government that is not always so friendly to private aviation, that things are on “the up and up.”

Euro Jet welcomed this year our two esteemed Country Managers as they joined us at the show: Nikolay Dimitrov from Bulgaria, and Daniel Ruiu from Romania.The rest of the illustrious team included our CEO Charlie Bodnar, Attila Papai from Sales, Matej Gunda from Vendor Relations, and Zaneta Balochova from Marketing.

A very sincere thanks to everyone for their tireless work. And a special thank you to the team at Avinode who once again gave us the opportunity share exhibit space with them.

And so we now get ready for Schedulers and Dispatchers in Tampa, Florida coming up in January 2016.

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