

6. 12. 2011 News 2min

On December 2 - 3, 2011 Euro Jet hosted a Global Forum for 50 of its country managers and ramp agents from over 20 countries at the Diplomat Hotel in Prague.

Euro Jet Global Forum 2011The purpose of the two day event was to have all the Euro Jet airport agents participate in several training and specialized workshops that focused on continuing education for ramp staff. Topics ranged from reviewing new European customs and immigration laws, rules on handling dry ice and other hazardous materials, and running through all the security protocols for our clients.

After the presentations, employees had plenty of time to meet each other and share experiences and ideas with one another. All Euro Jet employees have worked for many years at the airport, for either a major airline, executive operator, or at the General Aviation Terminal.

Charlie Bodnar, the CEO of Euro Jet stated that "The ability to get such an extensive International gathering of 50 employees from so many different regions of Europe and Asia, goes to show how Euro Jet is a one-of-a-kind organization. No other flight support has such an extensive network of employees in this part of the world. We are committed to having the best people with the high level of training and experience in all our locations."

The weekend was capped off by the annual Euro Jet Holiday Party, which included all Staff at the Diplomat Ballroom in Prague.

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