

14. 12. 2011 News 2min

Euro Jet Intercontinental Ltd. is pleased to announce continued growth in Kyrgyzstan with the appointment of Andrey Lim as head of the Bishkek operation at Manas Airport (FRU/UAFM).

He will be leading a team of 5 Euro Jet staff based in Bishkek. Lim, a native of Kyrgyzstan has spent many years working at Manas Airport in Bishkek for several airline ground handlers.

Euro Jet’s Bishkek airport operation is seeing traffic daily from a wide range of clients who fly narrow and wide body commercial aircraft. Euro Jet is able to organize all overflight and landing permits, ground support and aircraft handling coordination, cleaning services, catering, fuel, crew transportation and accommodation.

Euro Jet CEO Charlie Bodnar says: "Bishkek is part of our large network of CIS countries that include Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Georgia and Armenia. Several members of our operations team are from this region, have extensive knowledge of the airport operation and are fluent in English and Russian."

Euro Jet has a 24/7 Operations Control Center to accommodate your ground support needs. Euro Jet has a fully staffed presence at 175 airports located in 28 countries throughout Europe. Please contact our Operations Center at ops@eurojet-service.com.

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