Euro Jet Appoints Jarno Mand  in Tallinn, Estonia

Euro Jet Appoints Jarno Mand in Tallinn, Estonia

16. 01. 2020 News 1min

Euro Jet is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jarno Mand as its manager for operations in Estonia. Based out of Tallinn, Mr. Mand brings to Euro Jet over 20 years of work experience in the aviation industry.

Mr. Mand has virtually worked in every capacity at Tallinn’s International Airport. This includes working as the Passenger Services Manager, Ramp Services Manager, and then becoming the Member of the Board of Tallinn Airport GH. In this role he oversaw every aspect of the airport’s ground handling department, which included a team of 300 employees.

According to Euro Jet CEO Charlie Bodnar, “Euro Jet has over the past 12 years built a company consisting of the most qualified airport teams in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. We strive to provide our customers with the highest level of quality and service. Mr. Mand brings that expertise to our operation in Tallinn and we are very pleased to have him on board.”

We look forward to working with you in Tallinn!

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